Below is General Information for Washington Township:
Washington Township is located in northwestern York County. The village of Kralltown is located near the geographic center of the Township, lying approximately twenty miles from the cities of York, Hanover, Carlisle,Gettysburg and Harrisburg. Due to this relative isolation and somewhat limited transportation network between these centers of growth, Washington Township was not historically subjected to similar development pressures of surrounding areas. In turn, the Township remained more rural in nature and has remained a predominantly agricultural community to a greater degree than surrounding townships. Indeed, Washington Township remains unique relative to the surrounding municipalities, due to its wide open spaces, productive farmland, and commitment to its traditional rural character.
Although development pressures are greater than ever before, the quality of life, landscapes, scenic vistas, natural areas and historic farms retain an increasingly rare beauty, yet the same attractive qualities that make Washington Township a desirable place to live also serve to increase development pressures. In 2007, the increasing sprawl of housing developments, strip malls, commercial and industrial development approaching from Carlisle, York, Hanover, Harrisburg and Maryland are obvious.
In 2007, Washington Township has fewer residents involved in agriculture as a primary occupation when compared to the 1977 Comprehensive Plan. Also, more farmland is rented by farmers versus owned by them and the lesser number of farmers are farming more acres. With suburban forces increasing pressure on open lands, the challenge is to maintain the Township’s farmlands, open space and rural character.
In the mid 1970’s, the Washington Township Planning Commission obtained the services of the York County Planning Commission (YCPC) to assist them in preparing a Comprehensive Plan for the Township. The major goal of the Township Planning Commission was to prepare a Comprehensive Plan that would accommodate future growth in such a way that future development in Washington Township would be an asset rather than a liability to the Township and its citizens. Similarly, in 2006, the Township began to work with the York County Planning Commission to revise its existing 1977 Comprehensive Plan, organizing a Citizens Comprehensive Plan Committee to prepare the new document. On December 15, 2008, the Supervisors adopted the up-dated Comprehensive Plan.