Home Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes March 18, 2024 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Diane Deardorff   
Tuesday, 19 March 2024 00:00

The Washington Township Board of Supervisor’s met at the Municipal Building on March 18, 2024.

All Supervisors were present.

Chairman Dan McGregor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. made a motion to approve the minutes from February 19, 2024. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion.

The Treasurer’s report was read. Supervisor Dan McGregor made a motion to approved the report as read and file for audit. Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. seconded the motion.

Supervisor Dan McGregor read the following reports. Penn State Health Life Lion had 164 dispatches for the month of February. 6 were in Washington Township, 4 were handled by Penn State. Northern York County Fire Rescue EMS had 19 calls for the month of February, none were in Washington Township. Wellsville Fire Company had 23 calls for the month, 4 were in the Township. Northeast Adams Fire & EMS had 28 calls and 3 were in the Township.

Assistant Fire Chief ,Vince Brown from Wellsville Fire Company asked for clarification on who is responsible for cancelling fire equipment in Washington Township since there is a Fire Chief for Washington Township. The Fire Company Agreement was not updated when the Fire Chief Ordinance went into effect last year to clarify this. Solicitor Myers will review the Agreement and Ordinance.

Subdivision Plans:

There were no subdivision plans.

Business from the Floor:

Resident, Doug Harbold, on Pine Ridge Rd presented a petition to have a sign on Pine Ridge Road banning the use of large trucks. Several other residents were present to express their concerns, including excessive speed, large volume of tractor trailers and mud on the roadway. Another issue was the mirror on Kralltown Road. It needs to be more secure in place.

Supervisor Dan McGregor made a motion to have a traffic study done on Pine Ridge Road for heavy truck traffic. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion. The Road Crew will inspect the sign.

Old Business:

Supervisor Dan McGregor reminded residents that Spring Clean-up is April 10th & 11th from 8:00-3:30 and April 12th from 8:00-12. He also reminded residents that Ag Security applications are due in the Township Office by June 1st.

New Business:

Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr made a motion to have the Secretary advertise for bids for various stones, E-3, hot mix black top and fuels, to be opened at April 15th meeting. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion.

Supervisor Jeff Propps made a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-02 Support of PA Underground Utility Line Protection Law and proclaim April as PA Safe Digging Month. Supervisor Dan McGregor seconded the motion.

Solicitor’s Report:

Solicitor Sharon Myers reminded the Supervisors on the updated information for ARPA funds. The deadline to obligate all funds is December 31, 2024. Deadline for spending all of the funds is December 31, 2026.

Supervisor Dan McGregor made a motion to pay the bills out of the General Funds Account totaling $8,891.98 and the State Account totaling $7,348.81. Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. seconded the motion.

Supervisor Jeff Propps made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 P.M.

Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. seconded the motion.

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane Deardorff, Secretary/Treasurer